We All Go Rhythm

Nine young people made and play this performance over and with the internet, which they were forced to rely on during the making process. They take a critical look at the medium and humanity while looking for their own way in the meantime. Can we make the virtual real again? Can an individual surf trip on the net be shared collectively in the here and now? Can we reconnect with each other and with you, the spectator, without a screen? Expect a real trip along virtual paths, fast Tinder Dates, slow Tik Toks, a poetic intermezzo with 1001gedichten.nl, Twitter the Musical, sweet spam and many, many selfies. Directed by: Freek De Craecker Actors: Amber Turpyn, Cedric Oosterlynck, Eline Bos, Hanne Van Rentergem, Janne Van Beveren, Kaat De Muer, Matthias van Eijkeren, Mona Van Speybroeck, Yaris Vereecken