The Seagull

“People, lions, eagles and deer with antlers, geese, spiders, dumb fish that inhabit the waters, starfish and everything that is not visible to the eye, in short, everything, everything, everything that lives has completed its sad cycle and is extinct … ” Ba3 KASK Drama students worked together with Marijke Pinoy for eight weeks with Anton Chekhov's De Meeuw. De Meeuw is full of desires: for the other, for itself, for life. On the other hand are the broken promises and hearts. The play has the eternal struggle between fierce innovation and entrenched tradition. During these eight weeks, the students examined their character, discussed, deleted, cut and pasted, and staged this classic text into their own version of De Meeuw. Because every generation is entitled to its classics. Game: Arne De Tremerie, Freek De Craecker, Imke Mol, Mats Vandroogenbroeck, Naomi van der Horst & Timo Sterckx | Coach: Marijke Pinoy | Costume: Ruby Renteurs | Music: Gilles Vandecaveye-Pinoy | Thanks to: Anton Chekhov, Fabrice Delecluse, Leo Verlinden, Sebastiaan Eggermont, les ballets C de la B, ... Photos: Axel Himburg, Johan Pijpops