Bij De Buren

Bij DE BUREN introduces (especially underprivileged) preschoolers from the age of five together with their parents to books, theater and music in their own familiar environment (at home and at school). Four actors / actresses - i.c.w. Drama KASK Gent - play two different performances in three theater houses in Ghent and then at the homes of local residents. They can in turn invite neighbors, friends and family. To this end, we work closely with Brede School and the various neighborhood schools to involve the parents. BIJ DE BUREN is a collaboration between Bij 'De Vieze Gasten, the Antwerp theater company luxembourg, Larf !, Kopergietery, Brede School Gent and various neighborhood schools. Started a few years ago in Borgerhout (Antwerp), BIJ DE BUREN has been taking place in the Brugse Poort since 2011 and has been extended to the districts of Sluizeken-Tolhuis-Ham and Rabot. Stories 2020: "It's a book" by Lane Smith and "Paws up" by Catharina Valckx. Director & dramaturgy: Joep Conjaerts (Luxembourg vzw) Players: Britt Bakker & Reindert Vermeire (It's a book), Zoë Croegaert & Freek De Craecker (Legs up)