Freek De Craecker 

curriculum vitae 

Wetteren, June 12, 1991 


Bachelor communication management

Actor/Performer at Camping Sunset, Opera Ballet Flanders, Miet Warlop, Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, 4Hoog, Warner Bros Productions, ...

Artistic experience


Family concert: The Four Seasons / Creator and narrator of concert performance for Antwerp Symphony Orchestra

BROKEBACK SHITSHOW / Model in graduation project of Louis Verlinde

Shakesqueer / Organiser, host and drag queen (Kelly Verpepsi) of a queer event in Ghent with Simon Baetens (Electra)

Thuis / Actor in tv series for VRT, role of Felix Sterckens

True story / Narrator in concept of Johan Petit and Joyce Loir in Arenberg Antwerp

Café Paris / Actor in short film LUCA Genk

Het Scheldeoffensief / Giving weekly theater workshop for (young) adults with disabilities (16+)


After All Springville / Performer in performance by Miet Warlop (BUDA, TAZ, Théatre Dijion, Paris, Barcelona, ...)

Fun Loving Humans / Actor in performance of Simon D'Huyvetter i.c.w. KOPERGIETERY & KGbe (The Studio, ...)

KLADDERADATSCH / Maker and actor in performance at 4Hoog i.c.w. Femke Platteau & Tijs Verbrugge (Spinrag, ...)

BROK / Final coach in performance of Het Wolk

D5R / Role of Jonas, season 11, Eyeworks / Warner Bros Production, Streamz

Night Shift / The Masked Singer Extreme Karaoke Artist Edition (Gouvernement, The Singel, The Studio, VIERNULVIER)

Smells Like Peaches / Choir member in performance of Peaches led by Valentina Toth (Vooruit Ghent)

ViCoSim / Actor in a virtual communication simulator for nursing students Artevelde Hogeschool

DE TWAALF / Edelfigurant in season 2 of De Twaalf, Eyeworks, één

Nachtzwemmen / Performer in performance by Jarne Van Loon & Lieselot Siddiki (Vooruit Ghent)


Ariadne auf Naxos / Speaking role in opera by Richard Strauss (Opera Ballet Vlaanderen)

Ten Oorlog II / Player and creator in trilogy after Tom Lanoye/Shakespeare from Camping Sunset (CAMPO, TAZ, ...)

Ten Oorlog III / Player and creator in trilogy from Camping Sunset (CAMPO, De Vooruit, Het Theaterfestival, ...)

Man, Interrupted / Actor in short film of Lewis De Cooman, LUCA Campus Narafi

Storytime / Workshop around 'Le Diner' at Kopergietery 

We All Go Rhythm / Maker and director of performance for Wildtgroei (cc Stroming Evergem)

D5R / Role of Jonas, season 10, Eyeworks / Warner Bros Production, Streamz


Happiness / Player & creator in location project of Camping Sunet (Het Theaterfestival, CAMPO, De Vooruit, ...) 

D5R / Role of Jonas, seasons 8 and 9, Eyeworks / Warner Bros Production, Streamz

Larf! / Playwright at Larf! with a group of children ages 11 and up

Bij De Buren / Player & storyteller in project for (underprivileged) children from 5 years onwards i.c.w. at De Vieze Gasten 


Bla Bla Blues / Maker and player of own performance i.c.w. Femke Platteau, with the support of De Vlaamse Overheid, LAB Hasselt, cc De Schakel, Walpurgis (De Grote Post Oostende, ccHasselt, ccNova, ...) 

D5R / Role of Jonas, season 6 & season 7, Eyeworks / Warner Bros Production, Streamz


Stekeblind / Actor in performance by 4Hoog i.s.m. Femke Platteau, direction and text Frans Van der Aa and Raf Walschaerts 

Familie / Role of Jeremy Schoofs, season 28, episodes 67 - 99, Zodiak Belgium Productions, VTM 

Over Water / Edelfigurant in counterpart Violet Braeckman, Panenka, One 

D5R / Role of Jonas, season 5, Eyeworks / Warner Bros Production, Telenet Play, MNM, VRT NU 

Yummy / Figurant Zombie 3, A Team Productions 

Three White Horses / Bachelor's thesis Arne De Tremerie i.c.w. Menzo Kircz, KASK 


The Great Balloon Show for Drunk People with Lovesickness / Performance i.c.w. Menzo Kircz, CAMPO 

The Plonge Club / Role of diver in expo master theater costume by Elise Goedgezelschap 

Van Bib naar Bed / Giving reading sessions for children at Wetteren Library 

I Wish To Find Myself Again / Performer in live installation art work by Lize Pede at Sorry, Not Sorry Ghent 

The Seagull / Role of Masja in drama project with text by Anton Chekhov directed by Marijke Pinoy


Bosch Beach / Performer in opera by LOD (directed by Kris Verdonck, libretto Dimitri Verhulst, composer Vasco Mendonça) 

TAAT - HALL05 / Do-It-Together theater installation in St. Nicholas Church in Ghent, directed by Sodja Zupanc Lotker 

The Common People / Participant in performance by Jan Martens and Lukas Dhont, Campo Ghent 

Powder / Performer and creator in performance directed by Volmir Cordeiro 

Ich Bin ein Grosser Fresser / Performer in visual installation by Lize Pede at X-Tract De Werf, Bruges 

The Big Loser Show / Text, play and creation of own graduation performance (KASK Ghent, Shortwood 2017) 

A Short Story about a Big Quest / Role of Benjamin, short film directed by Reinier Kroese 

Leonce&Lena, As You Like It / Text theater project led by Waas Gramser (Compagnie Marius), Vincent van den Berg ('t Barre Land) and Jorn Heijdenrijk (society discordia) 


Medium / Performer and maker in dance project led by Eleanor Bauer 

Traum Trash Vortex / Play project i.c.w. Carine Van Bruggen (KASK Ghent, SpotsOpWest, Gentse Feestjes) 

't Jong Laweit / Co-founder and coach drama camp for young people in Wetteren i.s.m. Valerie Galle DIEP / Actor in short film by Laurens De Schrijver, RITS Brussels Les Hommes ou Filles? Oui / First-year drama project with Tom Goossens and Simon Baetens. 

2003 - 2013 

Stories that we could have told / Actor in short film by Anthony Schatteman, KASK Ghent The Order of the Wet Sisters / Maker and actor in theater project, performed in ccNova Wetteren and in Ghent 

From Jules with love / Actor in short film by Luis Schutte, Narafi Brussels 

Romeo & Juliet: what's in a name / Actor in dance and theater production of Vrank & Vrij in ccNova Wetteren 

Jeugdtheater Binnenstebuiten / Actor in 7 productions directed by Filip Vandemeulebroecke and Peter Vandemeulebroecke, a.o.


2013 - 2017

Drama - KASK School of Arts Conservatory of Ghent, Master's degree obtained. Drama Atelier led by Lukas Smolders, Geert Belpaeme, Herwig Deweerdt, Jef Van Gestel, Jan Steen, Tania van der Sanden, Stefaan Van Brabandt, Peter Gorissen, Willem De Wolf, Mole Wetherell, Jef Van Gestel, Shila Anaraki, …

2010 - 2013

Communication Management: Commercial Communication - Arteveldehogeschool Ghent, Diploma obtained

Courses & Master classes 

Master class acting with text of Euripides - Trojan Women directed by Elsie de Brauw 

Master class Oresteia NTG directed by Milo Rau and Johan Leysen with a.o. Daniel Demoustier, Tom Lanoye. 

Workshop Performance in different spaces led by Miguel Gutierrez 

Workshop Tending & Tuning led by Daniel Linehan & Michael Helland 

Practical material for the Theatre Teacher - Making and offering theater lessons led by Eva De Mulder 

Ambient theater at DOK - Workshop location theater led by Ilse De Koe 

CND Camping Paris with workshops led by P.A.R.T.S. and others 

CAMPO Summerschool with Jan Bultheel, Suze Milius, Fredo De Smet and Renzo Martens, among others 

Master class acting: grotesque play conducted by Johan Knuts 

Master class autobiographical writing conducted by Hanneke Paauwe 

Master class acting for camera conducted by Peter Monsaert 

Master class performance working tools conducted by Christine De Smedt 

Master class Performing the Invisble conducted by Chokri ben Chikha 

Master class Things we don't understand conducted by Garabedian Mekhitar 

Master class Slapstick Attitudes: Popular entertainment, avant-garde arts, dirty comedy - Hilde D'haeyere 

Master class directed by Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods

Work experience 

Miramiro vzw - Communication Trainee

WISPER / Coach workshop theater for students 18+

Kopergietery / Giving theater workshops

External Juror - Academie Kortrijk / Stedelijk Secundair Kunstinstituut Gent, Woordkunst Drama 

Pizza Italia Wetteren - Clerk and responsible 

Theater Coach Wildtgroei - Giving theater workshop to youngsters

Teacher Speech and Play Theater Academy Gooik, Academy Zwevegem & Academy Meise

Teacher at the Theatre Academy De Poel Ghent

Theatre internship Tuning People during the production of Rita 

Kunst&Zwalm - Tour guide at works of art by Johan Tahon 

Speelplein Wesp - Animator at the playground during the summer vacations (Attest: Animator in youth work)

Artistic maker at Larf!