The Common People

Twenty-four duos - "ordinary people" - meet for the first time on stage. You witness their first personal and physical contact. How do they react to each other and to the watching audience? With THE COMMON PEOPLE, choreographer Jan Martens and film director Lukas Dhont make a series of duets and an installation with 48 people from Ghent, in which the life of unknown fellow human beings, privacy versus exhibitionism and the digitization of human contact are central. The result is an evening that reopens the theater as a place of human-to-human encounter. With your ticket you can walk in and out of the performance and discover the installation, which provides an insight into the digital alter egos of the participants. Choreographer / dancer Jan Martens is probably no stranger to you. He has previously appeared at CAMPO with dance performances such as SWEAT BABY SWEAT, THE DOG DAYS ARE OVER and VICTOR, a duet he created together with Peter Seynaeve. The Common People Credits: concept & direction Jan Martens & Lukas Dhont with 48 participants from Ghent production GRIP co-production tanzhaus nrw, spring performing arts festival, Wiener Festwochen, CDC Le Gymnase & ICKamsterdam with the financial support of the Flemish government, Dutch Performing Arts Fund & City of Antwerp